News - Empower Deprived Learners - Making learning more attractive for low-level educated adults through introduction of self-organized learning - A transfer system into three different European societies

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
2007 LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/NO/165.013
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 


Interview with Barbara Erjavec, Papilot (SI), about the project


Empower Deprived Learners: Final partner meeting

Hosted by the project promoter, RKK, the EMPOWER final partner meeting took place in Stavanger/Norway on October 20th 2009.

All partners present summarized and evaluated important milestones achieved together in the course of our two year work. The meeting particularly focused on the project’s impact and current implementation issues in different contexts of participating countries and beyond. It was, once again, emphasized that our EMPOWER products shall be used by as many VET organisations as possible also after the funded lifetime of the project and that the network established by and around the partnership shall continue its numerous activities in the future.

Helmut Kronika/BEST, the project’s managing coordinator, thanked RKK and the other partners of “Empower Deprived Learners” for a most fruitful, target-oriented and pleasant cooperation.


Dissemination activities, August 28th, 2009, Cankiri (Turkey)

For dissemination purposes, Dr Riza Gurbuz invited academic staff of Cankiri Technical and Business College (Cankiri, Turkey), to present the EMPOWER deprived learners project and products to them on August 28th, 2009. Workshops have helped to show how to use and implement the TRAIN THE TRAINER QUALIFICATION HANDBOOK AND GUIDELINES as well as the TRAINING MATERIALS in the vocational training at Cankiri Technical and Business College.

Partner Meeting, June 30th - July 1st, 2009, Istanbul (Turkey)

All the project partners met again in Istanbul to prepare the multiplier conference in order to present the Empower Deprived Learners products to Turkish guests as well as to international stakeholders and education policy makers.

The second day was dedicated to the discussion and preparation of the products' implementation in the target countries (Romania, Turkey, Slovenia). Other objectives of this meetings concentrated on planning future activities, such as deployment and dissemination issues.



The plenary meeting

The target countries (Slovenia, Romania and Turkey) tested the EMPOWER TRAIN THE TRAINER QUALIFICATION HANDBOOK AND GUIDELINES and TRAINING MATERIALS for VET during some months involving different target groups and final beneficiaries, such as consultants and prisoners, trainers and unemployed young women. To exchange feedback from pilot participants, the partners of this project met in Vienna to finalise products in the up-coming months.

23th of July 2008, Timisoara

Mr. Nicolae Cernei, Director of Romanian-German Foundation, and Mr. Dan Lazar, Chief of EU Projects Department, talked to a journalist from Renasterea banateana newspaper (the biggest regional daily newspaper) about a circle of four different materials to be published in Renasterea banateana. These will present SDL - Self directed learning - as a support in the sustainable integration of the disadvantaged and people with disabilities into the workforce.

May 30 , 2008, Ankara

12 people from 5 different organizations - all of them members of the National Strategic Advisory Group - participated at the second NSAG meeting in Ankara held on May 30th, 2008

Second workshop

The project partners met again in June to present the draft learning/teaching materials elaborated for Slovenia, Romania and Turkey. These materials will be finalised in the target countries in the following months to validate them in Slovenia, Rumania and Turkey in autumn.

Project workshop 1 in Stavanger

The project partners met in April to present the first results of the desk and field research activities organised in Slovenia, Romenia and Turkey. The country reports showed completely different situations. The outcomes of the research analysis will be considered in the customisation of the project products.

March 13th

On March 13, Mr. N. Cernei, director of Romanian-German Foundation, has spoken during a meeting attended by instructors, teachers and tutors that work with people with mental disabilities about the promoting and full integration and participation of disadvantaged groups of people as a key element of EU policies, and not just as employment policies.

Mr. Cernei emphasized the role of Self-Directed Learning in social inclusion of the deprived persons, all these groups being disadvantaged, and suffering social exclusion from mainstream society, including employment.

"Education and training are critical factors in developing the EU's long-term potential for competitiveness, and also for its social cohesion - all citizens should benefit from the more and better jobs on offer", he said.

National Strategic Partner Meeting, Jan. 29, 2008, Ankara

In Turkey, the first national strategic partners meeting
of the EMP project was held on January 29th, 2008
at Hotel Ickale in Ankara. 14 staff members from
7 different governmental and non-governmental
organisations participated at the meeting.

The Kick-off Meeting

... was held in Vienna on January 12th, 2008. Helmut Kronika (BEST) presented the outline of the project, the partners discussed the activities for each work package of the project.

l. to r.: Riza Gurbuz (TEK-SAV),
Helen Roth (RKK), Trude Engebretsen
and Einar Wideberg (Norwegian
National Agency)