Welcome - Empower Deprived Learners - Making learning more attractive for low-level educated adults through introduction of self-organized learning - A transfer system into three different European societies

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
2007 LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/NO/165.013
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 




Forecasts of employment trends show that skill requirements for jobs are increasing and job opportunities for low-skilled and unskilled workers are facing a dramatic decline. Since learning has become one of the necessary preconditions for successful employment, introduction of the concept of "self-directed learning" (SDL) into didactic concepts for low-level educated adults has proved to be a feasible solution for this dilemma.


The European project

... has been introduced to foster awareness raising in regards to low-skilled and disadvantaged learners and the understanding of the educational value of "self-directed learning" (SDL) especially in Slovenia, Romania and Turkey. This shall mainly be achieved by providing approved learning contents and training materials to VET teachers and trainers that show how to use the approach of SDL when working with this neglected target group.

Thus the project hopes to contribute to the improvement of adequate VET training methods in these three target countries. Exchange of knowledge and good practices is enabled by the support of experienced partners in this matter. Finally, for widest possible dissemination national multipliers support the project partners in Slovenia, Romania and Turkey in fostering awareness raising in these countries.

Empower Deprived Learners DVD (English)

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Newsletter 1 - pdf
Newsletter 2 - pdf
Newsletter 3 - pdf
Newsletter 4 - pdf